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(QUIET: don't tell the public service I have replaced his phoney, puffed-up, self-flattering biography with a small glimpse at the Truth!...BE WARNED: his life has cut a wide, if inept, swath across the last half of the 20th century.)

Before you put too much faith in what you read in this web site, consider the Webmaster. 

To give you an idea of his life I have started a biography of his early years.  

Although its hard to admit, lets say right up front that his early years, could have been great fodder for a Far Side biography, rivaling only Gary Larson's own early life.  

Froggy the Gremlin


Why are these people smiling?  
(click on the photo only if you dare).


A face that could have launched...         

A photo from the Vietnam era -- Was our Webmaster a prisoner of war?  Or perhaps a spy in disguise, attired as a young version of Grocho Marx?  Click on the picture to find out.


Contact the Webmaster:
  -- are you a relative or friend? --perhaps you have a suggestion, or, additional information?  

(Are you kidding?  This is just the kind of drivel I've saved you from..  On the other hand, I recommend instead that you join the people who have e-mailed anonymously, to ask to be officially registered as unrelated to the webmaster -- Froggy)